Collaborating with Stakeholders to Improve and Increase Exports and Investments
The State Minister of Investment Promotion, Hon. Dilum Amunugama meets EDB Advisory Committees

Stressing the importance of providing a business conducive environment, “the government is focused and has given the highest recognition to exports and investments – to create employment, enhance foreign exchange earnings with economic and social benefits to our people”, the State Minister for Investment Promotion, Hon. Dilum Amunugama said, expressing his views at a meeting held with the Chairmen and representatives of EDB’s Advisory Committees on Thursday, October 14th, at the BOI Auditorium in Colombo.
The EDB’s 24 Advisory Committees, appointed as per the provisions of the EDB Act and Cabinet Approval, are playing a significant role in guiding the Government and Private Sector Stakeholders to navigate through demand side and supply side disruptions arising from the current local and global economic turmoil.
Appreciating the comprehensive service provided by the EDB to the exporter community, “the Export Development Board (EDB) and the Board of Investment (BOI) should work closely to increase exports and investment opportunities in the country,” the Minister further added.
Mr. Suresh de Mel, Chairman & Chief Executive, EDB, highlighted that the Government is now focused on Strong Collaboration and Efficient Facilitation to address the challenges faced by the exporters in the current context – to face the global economic challenges through private sector led economic growth for Sri Lanka.
Representing the export sector, the Chairmen of the EDB Advisory Committees and other invitees, stressed their views and key concerns in improving the business & investment environment of the country. The Minister assured that he will endeavor to resolve issues and barriers faced by the exporters, in close collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, including other Government Ministries and Agencies.
50 Exporters, and 30 Ministry, BOI, and EDB officials, enthusiastically participated at this meeting for two and a half hours. The Chairmen and representatives pledged their support and thanked the Minister for his proactive engagement with the EDB Advisory Committees.