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Sri Lankan panellist Colonel Nalin Herath captivates audience at Pune Dialogue

The Director Media of the Ministry of Defence and Director General of the Institute of National Security Studies (INSS) Colonel Nalin Herath, was among the distinguished panel of eminent speakers at the Late General Bipin Rawat Memorial Seminar, held in Pune, India. The two-day Seminar held on December 18-19 saw experts on defence and strategic affairs from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India share their knowledge and expert insights on the topic ‘Regional Security: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities’.

The seminar was part of Pune International Centre’s ‘Vishva-mitrata’ series conducted by PIC’s flagship research vertical, Pune Dialogue on National Security (PDNS), and supported by HQ Southern Command.

Representing Sri Lanka Col. Herath shed insight on several aspects of issues faced by regional countries especially Sri Lanka in the contemporary dynamics of geo-political landscape. His views were well received by the distinguished audience.

The distinguished panel of speakers also included Lt Gen Pawan Pande, former Chief of General Staff, Nepalese Army; Rear Admiral A.S.M.A. Awal (Retd.), former High Commissioner and former Assistant Chief of Naval Staff, Bangladesh.

The speakers stressed on the importance economic integration and shared values among the South Asian nations. They also delved into the sensitivity of the diverse issues faced by their respective nations and future expectations in economic growth and investment opportunities.

The Pune Dialogue on National Security is part of the Pune International Centre, an independent, multi-faceted policy research think tank which ideates, deliberates upon and brings into focus the imperatives of India’s national security. The forum discusses a wide range of issues, such as defence preparedness, water, food, health, energy, technology, disasters, pandemics, and geo-strategic developments.

The Keynote Address was delivered by Amb. Sujan Chinoy, Director General, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The Welcome Address was made by Lt Gen Ajai Kumar Singh, GOC-in-C, Southern Command and Special Address by Amb. Gautam Bambawale, former Indian Ambassador to China, Bhutan and Pakistan. Lt Gen Vinayak Patankar, (Retd.), Convener, Pune Dialogue on National Security, delivered the Opening Remarks at the seminar

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